Thursday, October 25, 2012

1. Who got the idea of making religious icons hip?

SHANNA: The idea of tiny baby dieties was Kuya's brainchild. (Pun intended.)

ABE: I had the idea brewing for a long time & when I teamed up with Shanna,
it came into fruition. We developed it into what it has become now.

2. Are you religious, spiritual, inspired?

ABE: Spiritual and very open minded about religion and tradition.

SHANNA: I was super religious, like evangelist religious. Now, I'm deeply spiritual ...and maybe slightly irreverent.

3. Do you still have other religious icons in mind to 'hippify?'

SHANNA: Yes! Magic is brewing on our drawing boards.

ABE: We have a few additions to the YFLF Gang coming. Without giving too much away, one character will be female and the other is "one-who-shall-not-be-named."

SHANNA: And it's not Voldemort.

4. Are you enjoying high sales since you started?

SHANNA: High sales remains to be a goal. We started selling during our launch in NY Comic Con and we're so grateful for how YFLF was welcomed.

ABE: We've launched last weekend and the response from customers have been overwhelming. Sales-wise, we're off to a good start.

5. Where are these shirts being sold, aside from the online store?  Do you have an outlet in NY?

SHANNA: Several US and Philippines retailers are interested in selling the YFLF shirts & we will definitely keep you posted.

6. Do you have plans to make other products? What products?

SHANNA: Decals, stationeries and amulets, oh my! lots more.

ABE: Definitely. Watch out for hoodies and plushies too.

4. You guys had your debut at the New York Comic Con! :D How awesome was that?

SHANNA: It couldn't have been better! If we didn't launch there, we wouldn't have met you & thousands of other amazing creatures. :D

ABE: It was an awesome experience selling the shirts and talking to people who have become instant fans. We love New York!

5. How did you guys get started on this venture?

SHANNA: There's just too much random and quirky, "with a twist" stuff out there. That just doesn't cut it. I believe in substance and humor, simple but not simplistic.

You're making something, you might as well make it say something good and real. You better fulfill a need. People need to laugh more. Hello, YFLF!

ABE: I'm tired of seeing a lot of crap out there so we want to make better stuff.

6. Is this your only product line, or do you have others?

ABE: Other lines are in current development. Just a broad idea, we have an Elephonkey character. We're also developing a "fun and games" line, that has started with our Game Lover shirt. We hope that people notice that our designs are not just pretty, they're pretty conceptual.

SHANNA: Like a good story, this is only the first chapter...

ABE: Believe and let believe.

SHANNA: You gotta have faith!

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