the November elections in the US, campaigning for the reelection of
President Obama. At no other time than now has it ever been so
exciting and crucial for Americans to choose their next president.
Ms. Lewis believes that the president deserves a second term to
continue what he has began and to see better results of his
socio-economic programs. When we met in her office one Thursday
afternoon in early October, she said she was going to take on a debate
in Philadelphia, on behalf of the Democratic Party.
With the tight race between the incumbent and Massachusetts Governor
Mitt Romney, Ms. Lewis said they are doing their best to convince the
American people that the president is still the best choice they could
ever have.
Ms. Lewis is a Filipino businesswoman, philantropist, leader, author,
public speaker, and lawyer; she is also the first Asian American to pass
the American Bar in 1994 without having to study law in the US. In
1969, she worked for the Law Students Civil Rights Reseach Council in
New York, the Manhattan Legal Services from 1970-73, and in 1979-90,
as a lawyer for the Immigration and Naturalization Services.
Ms. Lewis succeeded as chairperson and CEO of the TLC Beatrice
International Holdings, a food and beverage company, in February 1994,
a year after her husband Reginald Lewis passed away. She was named the top US woman business executive in September 1995 by The National Foundation for Women Business Owners and Working Woman magazine.
When chancing upon Ms. Lewis in a social event in Manhattan, conversations are usually brisk but substantive. She is a woman who's always in a hurry schedule, saying hi and hello would normally be followed with what's her recent involvement on issues, and then a quick goodbye.
It was a pleasant opportunity to have sat down with her for a great conversation and a phone interview as she tackled the most crucial question faced by Americans today.
Excerpts of the interview:
1. What keeps you busy these days?
I am actively campaigning for the reelection of Pres. Obama. The two
presidential candidates we have now could have not been more different
and really is a black and white matter.
First, Pres. Obama is for the inclusion of everyone in the US, while
Gov. Romney is subtracting the 47% of the people. One case in point is
the minors who have been denied their green cards. In June, Obama
issued an executive order giving children of undocumented immigrants
to continue their education, get jobs, and take on the path to
citizenship. Romney, on the other hand, said he will deport
undocumented aliens.
The second big difference between the two is that Pres. Obama takes
care of the people through his health program, the Obamacare. For the
first time, the Obamacare provides preventive medical care for people.
2. How can the Obamacare take effect when it costs so much and the
economy is deteriorating and could not afford it?
maintain the current taxes imposed on the one million dollar earners,
taking into account the Warren Buffett proposal, while reduce the
taxes imposed on those earning less.
Romney will cut the taxes across the board, including the
millionnaires who are already privileged enough.
Obama also reduced government bureaucracy. He shrunk the federal
government down to its lowest level.
It is important to note that the Catholic Church has denounced the
Romney-Ryan budget because, among other reasons, it will cut Pell
Grants for students and funding for the Public Broadcasting Company.
Their philosophies are just too entirely different.
3. If Pres. Obama did so well in his first term to merit a second, how
do you explain prices of oil going up and unemployment is still up as
Unemployment was reduced since the Pres. Obama got into office. In
June 2009, unemployment rate was about 9%. In September this year, it
has gone down to 7.8% and is continue to go down.
When he came into office, it was like America was on a big fire that has
to be immediately stopped. This explains why there was the Stimulus
package as a stop gap measure to help banks, infrastructure, and small
businesses that needed cash.
What he did is seeing fruition right now. The stock market is up and
housing sector is up too. Foreclosures are down and there is about
800,000 permits to build issued.
Next year, there will be a boom in America.
4. Do you think the US will continue to be the world's strongest and
wealthiest country in the next few years?
Yes, the US will still be the strongest and wealthiest country in the
world. It will take a long time for China to take over. For one, the
information technology will deter China from being so totalitarian and
controlling. It will lose grip of its people. Like in the Middle
east, China spring will happen.
5. You mentioned information technology as a sort of tool for
democracy. What can you say about the Philippines' own Cybercrime
Prevention Law? Are you for or against it?
That is a terrible law. It stiffles any kind of criticism by the
people. Freedom of speech is the fulcrom of democracy. I don't
understand why Pres. Aquino signed that into law. It has to be
Obama does not have any so called "socio-economic programs."
ReplyDeleteWhat he has are radical anti-capitalist programs of socialism with zero economic plans.
To suggest the contrary is a complete fabrication and most misleading. One only needs to look at the last four years to see what the next four will be like. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see Obama's abysmal track record on the economy, unemployment, 50% of graduates can’t find a decent job, the education system the lowest on the world, the middle east in flames, terrorism increasing, massive cover-ups on murder, etc.
The majority of Obama’s supporters are woman who care most about abortion, glass ceilings, and gay rights. Not that these aren't important! But this is not the President’s job… his/her job is number one Security of the country, acting like a leader for business, for the free world, for ALL of its citizens (not divisive), and for economic prosperity.
Sadly, one only needs to look at history to see repeats performances like Obama. See what happened to Cuba and Argentina... incredible economic prosperity completely destroyed by socialism.
Thank you for your extensive and indepth commentary, David. Your thoughts are shared by many. Keep reading OSM!
ReplyDeleteThank you... I didn't mean to focus on just women supporters. Sending comments by phone doesn't show all that's written.