At last, OSM! is here, the e-zine for awesome global citizens.
Like any other media project demanding upbeat creativity, it took quite a while to come up with the name of the magazine about remarkable global citizens. OSM! is all about positive things in life, purposively creative and orchestrated by talented and well-meaning individuals who believe in themselves in effecting meaningful changes in their communities or countries.
I am in a team of equally excited and amazing individuals. Foremost is my editor/daughter, Leani Auxilio, who sits as content and digital editor. It was from her that I learned that these days you say OSM when you mean awesome. With her at the helm of the digital magic is webmaster Freddy Panes, who is based in Philadelphia.
We have Clueless Mom writer, and also a bit of a clueless mom herself, learning day by day the tasks of motherhood, Emma Migrino who is based in New Jersey. Kitty Ezra is in the matters of cooking healthy and good food, from Chicago. Delightful food is on Kit’s Kitchen.
From Missouri, we shall be reading from the notes of psychotherapist Debbie Almocera in Cranial Corner.
Finally, there is Marlon Corvera, in high fashion. We celebrate spring with his classy artistry in the Marlonissimo section.
Our maiden issue is graced by Merly Barrete Barlaan who is a really good friend that we call each other twin. She has spent her young adult years to community service that works side by side with the United Nations. She however thinks outside the box of the UN, preferring to be directly involved with real projects than just talks and conferences.
OSM! promises to be fun and stylish and keeping balance with sensible, responsible substance. So read on, dear global citizens!
OSM! is all about you and the great things you do.
Marivir Montebon
Executive Editor
Congratulations Madaam Marivir! Wishing you the best for your new endeavor. May you will continue to make every Filipino proud of what you do! Maayo ta naa ka Arts and Culture segment later on!
Celso P.