Austin Texas
“The Journey of a Brown Girl”
That is the title of an upcoming stage production. The title raised my eyebrows and peaked my interest. The use of the color of the skin, stirs some emotion and concern about being politically correct whenever the topic is about race.
If it was intentional, it worked. The title catches one's attention. So I clicked on the link, sent to me by my pretty, talented young niece, Leslie Hubilla, who is the choreographer for the production.
The link opened up and drew me in. It's the beautiful story about the journey of a new generation of young Pinays, born and raised in America, seeking their identities by touching base with their culture and their roots.
These global Pinays undertake this journey of empowerment, not only for Pinays, but for all women and girls, in all circumstances. After all, there is a common thread that connects us all. For aren't all issues, womyn's issues?
Using the powerful medium of Theater, this group of Pinay artists, passionate about their craft, come together, with shared experiences woven in a powerful narrative expressed in multidimensional art.
As of this writing, they have announced a casting call for Pinay talents, at CAP 21, 18W 18th St., NYC.
“Fully designed, produced and performed by Pinay, this piece seeks to empower our community and create connections of empowerment and celebration of all womyn.”
Director & Creative Producer – Jana Lynn Umipig
Assistant Director - Renee Floresca
Costume - Inez Galvez
Choreographer - Leslie Hubilla
Lighting Director - Tina Cocadiz
Set Designer - Vanessa Ramalho
Marketing Designer - Karoleen Decastro
“We see "The Journey of a Brown Girl" as more than a production, but a movement. And our team seeks to submit the production to Independent Theatre Festivals and performance spaces for further production. And eventually publish the play and curriculum for further connection of the Pinay experience and celebration of all sisters and beyond.“
Note on use of “womyn”
Wom*n: The use of wom*n with a "*" is primarily used to remove the patriarchal constructs around language and be intentionally inclusive of all women and women identified persons in a way that does not limit them to representing an extension or creation of man. The "*" is also used as a wildcard to substitue one letter to search for alternate spellings.
Please help and support our project. Thank you!
The Journey of a Brown Girl is continuing in our effort to encourage for the support of our community and loved ones in 3 ways:
1) GIVE- Please give to the project through our Indiegogo:
We have amazing gifts for our monetary donors that reflect our culture, our intention to empower our community and the remarkable artistry of our collective and sisterhood circle! Check them out and contribute what you can!
2) SHARE- Link as many of your networks and family/ friends/ colleagues/ networks to the project! Let your social media support this movement, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, whatever you choose! Connection is key!
3)JOIN- Join the movement of the Journey of a Brown Girl, follow the progress of the artistic talents of our team as they grow this project with deepened messages! Ask questions, give input, be a part of the process!, and we're on facebook and tumblr!
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