By Marivir R. Montebon
New York, New York
Ethics and etiquette are as important as formal education or literacy. In a child's simple, unadulterated parlance, these two words are simply good manners and right conduct. This was a major item in our Report Cards in elementary school. Saying please, thank you, I am sorry are the standard words for young children.
It is sad however, that as children grow up, they realize how brutal and unkind the world really is. And the good manners and right conduct stuff could dissipate and leave one frustrated at the least, and becoming a monster at worst.
It is a huge challenge to maintain one's good manners and right conduct in the adult world. For the most part, the dog-eat-dog reality could force one to be tough and put down all scruples in order to survive or succeed.
As the highest form of animals on earth (you can smile at that), we are required and admired if we are able to rise to any occasion that confronts us. It is understandable that to falter is to be human. To let success get into our head sometimes. To give up when the going gets tough. To pounce back when hit. And so on.
In the end however, what makes us feel better is having to turn the other cheek, forgive, forget, and move on. Better said than done of course. But that is the truth, that will all set us free from haunting stress.
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