Tuesday, February 19, 2013

NYC Rising, Dancing To Stop Violence Against Women

By Marivir R. Montebon


Palestinian-American poet Suheir Hammad opened the V-Day Dancing against Violence in New York City on February 14 with three poems, which included 'Not Your Erotic, Not Your Exotic'. That was enough for me to scream and dance that Valentine's night at the Hammerstein Ballroom of the Manhattan Center.

There was Glen Close too that night, reading the poem of Eve Ensler, the playwright for the Vagina Monologues, the outrageous soliloquies of women raging against the violations imposed on them.

IMG_20130214_201641_667It was a night of reminiscing, how the movement against violence against women started 15 years ago,  right at the very same venue of the Hammerstein Ballroom.

It has come a long way indeed. Women will rise and continue to defy the stereotypes that dehumanize them, says Glen Close.

At the lobby of the ballroom, the ambiance of the occasion was initially electrified by the drumming for 'peace and power' by Jan Goldstoff and Laurie Schwartz.

[caption id="attachment_1856" align="alignleft" width="300"]OSM! executive editor and publisher Marivir R. Montebon enjoying the beat of the drums. OSM! executive editor and publisher Marivir R. Montebon enjoying the beat of the drums.[/caption]

Indeed, dancing was the call of the night, and with the sensible, hip music, every man and woman at the ballroom danced with a lot of rhyme and reason.

[caption id="attachment_1758" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_20130214_202644_651 Threese, from Connecticut, enjoys the empowering music.[/caption]


  1. It is awesome that OSM is involved in this momentous international event. Woman - you've come a long way!

  2. together, we all can make it, mam!
