New York City
The world will get better if we start from within, from our hearts. - Dulce Sanchez
There is something about Dulce that will draw you towards her. In my case, it was her calmnness untypical of a New Yorker, when we first met at the Naam Yoga Center on the Upper West Side of the city. Well, she is a regular visitor of New York on a mission of sorts. Dulce Sanchez hails from Mexico, teaching English and running an events and party organizing business. But the main fulfillment in her life is when she straddles between home and New York to help people heal themselves through a wholistic therapy called Harmonyum, aside from being with her grandchildren.
From the word harmony which means 'a pleasing combination of elements in a whole', Harmonyum is quite clear by its own name, and a welcome treat, an accord, to oneself.
It is a healing modality developed by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry known as bio-metaphysical medicine that is non-invasive, gentle, and energetic. Dulce, a Harmonyum therapist, is among the hundreds of students of Dr. Levry, using this soothing continuous touch on the entire length of the spine to heal physical, emotional, and mental ailments.
Before deciding to take on this mission as a wholistic healer, Dulce has had her share of excruciating pain from a failed marriage. She and her husband decided to divorce after being together for 8 months. After 12 years, they remarried. But the problem on infidelity has set in, hence they divorced again. She is now on her own, and rightfully happy, seven years after the second divorce.
How Dulce regained her composure and balance through the help of Naam Yoga and Harmonyum is an incredible journey of love, light, and healing.
1. Tell me how you became an advocate and now a missionary for Naam Yoga and Harmonyum.
I was deeply depressed when I found out that my husband was womanizing. We were divorced for 12 years, but decided to remarry. We were together for nine years, and then I found out he had another affair. I felt devastated. Divorcing him the second time was scary, because I was getting old and did not know what to do.
I chanced upon a Hatha Yoga Center in 2006 and then later I found out about Naam Yoga. Life became so different after that. I was healed, happy, and grateful.
2. What was it with Naam and Harmonyum that convinced you this was your path to healing?
Harmonyum promotes self-healing energy. I studied Harmonyum under Dr. Levry for seven treatments or sessions. Each session lasts for 45 minutes.
We gently touch the nape of the client down to the spine. Harmonyum is known to reharmonize a person's entire presence in the process of strengthening and balancing the autonomous nervous system.
It doesn't even matter what faith you have, whether you have or have not any faith. The energy inside you naturally heals.
3. What is the most profound experience you had in Harmonyum?
I was shocked and was crying so hard in amazement when I learned that my client, a young woman afflicted with terminal breast cancer, was healed after the 4th treatment. That was in 2009.
She was a non-believer, a young mother and had a great career. Her breast cancer was eating her up, and her doctors have decided to stop all her medication because it would no longer be of help to her. The pain she experienced each night was unbelievable and agonized her husband as well who could not sleep because of her anguish.
On the second treatment, she noticed she had lost a little bit of the pain. On the third session, it was totally gone. As well as on the 4th treatment.
She decided to have herself checked by her doctors why the pain was gone. At that time, I fly in to New York for my continuous studies with Dr. Levry.
When I returned to Mexico, I immediately called her to find out how she was. She was elated. Her biopsy results, she had taken two exams, showed she had negative signs of cancer.
I was crying with joy and gratitude. That experience changed me.
4. Do you believe Harmonyum can absolutely change the world, heal people?
Yes. Compulsion, which brings about vices like gambling, can be healed through Harmonyum. Our job as naamists is to serve. And the more we are able to reach out to the community, the better. Believe that the world is going to get better if we start from within, from the heart.
(Dulce Sanchez could be reached at For more details on Harmonyum, visit
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