New York City -- Two Filipino writers will speak at the International Writers Conference in New York City on June 1, 2013, Saturday. "WRITING ACROSS BORDERS" will be a gathering of writers of different nationalities where issues on immigration and social concerns will be tackled from the perspective of writers.
Writer/novelist Miss Ninotchka Rosca is one of the main speakers of the conference and OSM! editor/publisher and managing editor for the Migrant Heritage Chronicle Marivir R. Montebon is among the panel of discussants for race and gender.
Organized by the National Writers Union (NWU) - NYC, the conference is timed when immigration is being hotly discussed at the halls of Congress. Esther Armah and Sergio Troncoso will also be in the main panel of discussants writing across borders.
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Rosca is a feminist writer and novelist. She was a political prisoner at the time of the Marcos dictatorial rule in the Philippines. Her novel Twice Blessed won the American Book Award in 1993.
Montebon, a journalist, recently published her third book, "Biting the Big Apple" and was recipient the of Woman in Media award by the New Jersey-based organization Pan-American Concerned Citizens League. She founded OSM! (awesome), an online magazine which debuted on March 18, 2012.
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In its website, the NWU writes: "At a time of unprecedented migration, when families are divided and communities shattered, writers can provide a vital historical record, a public voice of protest at social injustice and a healing balm.
Writers are able to bridge the gaps among communities through depicting the experiences of diverse people that often prove to be more similar than different, while, at the same time, attempting to fight widespread injustices of forced deportation and economic migration.
The conference will explore all of these issues, as well as engage the writing community in a discussion of our role and responsibilities at this moment of economic upheaval and unprecedented movement across borders."
At the migration and immigration concurrent panels, Dhalma Llanos Figueroa will moderate discussions on writing about leaving home, establishing new communities, and adapting to new cultures while holding on to your own. Speakers will be Danielle Georges, Elsie Augustave, and Titziana Rinaldi.
On the panel on race and gender, Miss Montebon will speak along with Patrick Delices and Marva Allen. Herb Boyd moderates.
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A panel discussion on book publishing and internet use will provide writers additional tools of Internet publishing and social media opportunities, which provide a window on the world, enabling the virtual crossing of borders. NWU NYC co-chair Tim Sheard will moderate the panel.
A panel discussion for new writers, with Peter Benjaminson and Cecilia McCall as resource persons, will be opened in the afternoon. An interesting discussion on language through "Lost in Translation" will likewise take place with Adam Wier, Alta Price, and Barbra Jungwirth as speakers.
Conference fee for the whole day affair is $30.00 and includes continental breakfast, lunch and cocktail party. There is a cap to the attendees, so register as soon as possible.
The venue is at the Empire State College, Harry Van Arsdale School of Labor Studies on 325 Hudson Street (entrance on Van Dam Street), NYC. To learn more, email or go to to register.
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