Sunday, June 24, 2012

Of Fathers

Of Fathers
By Marivir R. Montebon

OSM! greets all fathers a happy father's day today!

Times have changed for a little bit, more and more men and now 'hands on' daddies. They have tried to balance parenting by sharing domestic responsibilities. I see lots of fathers now babysitting, cooking, doing laundry, and cleaning the house on his schedule. That is heartwarming to have known some of my friends who live such 'father styles.'

There is a movement in Cebu called Men Opposed to Violence Against Women and Children (MOVAWC), born in 2001 and headed by Dr. Melanio Sanchez. It has undertaken countless education seminars and forums about how to bridge the gender gap in order to create a harmonious relationship in the home and work environments.

I admire the prime movers of MOVAWC, particularly the late Dr. Purita Sanchez, Dr. Melanio's wife, who passed on in March this year.  She has become larger than life because of her legacy as her husband continues to blaze the difficult trail of gender equality.

OSM! is introducing a new section, Awesome Forum, which will come out on special occasions for people to share their opinions and snippets of their ideas on issues that matter to them. Today, we bring you four awesome fathers who shared their greatest desires for the wellbeing of their children.

Leani Auxilio also writes about her late dad, which has somehow gripped my heart again.

Have an awesome week, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    How do i get in touch with dr melanio? I think i need his advice. Thanks
